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Advice for Men on Hair Loss Issues

Hair Myths De-Bunked – Men’s Tip No. 2

While the internet is a fantastic place to find support and get information about hair loss, you have to pay close attention to the source – is it truly believable and/or qualified? Falsehoods and lies are rampant, uninformed and foolish opinions are indiscriminately shared and companies with an economic interest spread panic with perversions and distortions of the truth.
Without a straight shooting, honest resource it’s no wonder folks don’t know what to think, who to believe or where to turn to truly understand their specific hair loss situation and what options they might have.
Here are a few of the more popular misconceptions about hair loss;

1.    Myth: Hair loss is caused by brushing the hair too much.
Fact: Brushing the hair when it is wet or tangled can result in breakage, but does not result in hair loss. In fact, brushing with a boar bristle brush actually improves circulation to the scalp which can aid in hair growth!

2.    Myth: Wearing hats causes premature balding.
Fact: The hair grows from the inside out: it gets all of the oxygen it needs from the bloodstream. Wearing a hat does not contribute to hair loss in any way.

3.    Myth: the “balding gene” comes from the mother’s side of the family.
Fact: Balding can be hereditary, but will depend on the genetics of both the mother and father.

4.    Myth: Massaging the scalp does not help hair growth.
Fact: Massage is an integral part of any treatment for hair loss. Without proper circulation, hair growth cannot be restored.

5.    Myth: Hair loss is caused by clogged pores.
Fact: If this were truly the case, any bodily hair would be subject to “hair loss” and a simple underarm deodorant would do the trick for your armpits.

6.    Myth: Frequent shampooing causes hair loss.
Fact: Unless you are frequently rough washing your hair, shampooing has no effect on hair loss. If you notice many lost hairs when shampooing infrequently, this shedding is simply the accumulated normal daily hair loss of 50 -100 hairs per day.

While trying to understand your situation is admirable, please stop short of self diagnosis and certainly don’t self medicate.
Get the real story from a trusted source; speak to your doctor or dermatologist.

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